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[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Connect Access Card for Psychology: Perspectives 3rd Edition
[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Connect Access Card for Psychology: Perspectives 3rd Edition

About the Author
Dr. Erika Rosenberg served on the faculties at the University of Delaware and the College of William and Mary and currently is a researcher at the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California at Davis. Dr. Rosenberg is an emotions researcher, health psychologist, and teacher of meditation. Her research on emotion has examined how feelings are revealed in facial expressions, how social factors influence emotional signals, and how anger affects cardiovascular health.. Her current research interests include collaborative studies that integrate Western psychology with Buddhist practices for improving emotional and cognitive functioning.
Gregory Feist is Associate Professor of Psychology in Adult Development at San Jose State University. Dr. Feist is widely published in the psychology of creativity, the psychology of science, and the development of scientific talent. One of his major goals is establishing the psychology of science as a healthy and independent study of science, along the lines of the history, philosophy, and sociology of science. His teaching efforts have been recognized by outstanding teaching awards at both UC Berkeley and UC Davis.
Printed Access Code
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 3 edition (November 11, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0077773969
ISBN-13: 978-0077773960
Product Dimensions: 9 x 4 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces

[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Connect Access Card for Psychology: Perspectives 3rd Edition

相關 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Connect Access Card for Psychology: Perspectives 3rd Edition
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[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Connect Access Card for Psychology: Perspectives 3rd Edition