
Product description
An animated arcade game!Product InformationDive in to help collect worm doodles and save the sea creatures before the oceandrains! Freddi Fish's finny friend Luther has plenty on his mind as he races topop an ocean full of air bubbles that will lower the water level if they make itto the surface! Water Worries features more than 100 challenging levels andhundreds of hidden surprises.In Water Worries you play Luther a young green fish who gets sucked into awhirlpool and must find his way out. Luther's search will eventually take himthrough 100 underwater levels jam-packed full of action and adventure. On theway home Luther will need to be aware of the hazards around him while pickingup worm doodles which will allow him to advance further. Bubbles which areconstantly rising from deep within the whirlpool will force the water leveldown if they are allowed to reach the water's surface. If the water levelbees too low Luther will have to retry the level minus one energy level. Toprevent this from happening Luther must use his trusty slingshot and unlimitedsupply of ammo to pop the bubbles before they reach the surface. Luther alsoneeds to be careful when navigating the whirlpool since running into a bubblemay render him momentarily trapped and unable to fire his slingshot.Luther will also have the opportunity to qualify for a Bonus Round every fivelevels starting at level 10. In the Bonus Round Luther will be positioned nearthe bottom of a canyon with a . Oysters which are positioned on either sideof the canyon spit out pearls which will bounce down into the canyon. On theway the pearls may bounce off of jellyfish making their path hard to predict.For every pearl which Luther is able to catch in his he'll receive 100points. Black Pearls will also be dropped occasionally and if Luther is able tocatch one of these he'll increase his energy level by one. Product HighlightsJunior Arcade games are jam-packed with fast and furious gameplay that satisfieskids' hunger
Freddi Fish and his pal Luther collect worm doodles and save the sea creatures before the ocean drains.
Product Dimensions 6.5 x 1.5 x 10.2 inches; 6.1 ounces
Media: Video Game

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries - PC

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries - PC
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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries - PC
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries - PC

Product description
An animated arcade game!Product InformationDive in to help collect worm doodles and save the sea creatures before the oceandrains! Freddi Fish's finny friend Luther has plenty on his mind as he races topop an ocean full of air bubbles that will lower the water level if they make itto the surface! Water Worries features more than 100 challenging levels andhundreds of hidden surprises.In Water Worries you play Luther a young green fish who gets sucked into awhirlpool and must find his way out. Luther's search will eventually take himthrough 100 underwater levels jam-packed full of action and adventure. On theway home Luther will need to be aware of the hazards around him while pickingup worm doodles which will allow him to advance further. Bubbles which areconstantly rising from deep within the whirlpool will force the water leveldown if they are allowed to reach the water's surface. If the water levelbees too low Luther will have to retry the level minus one energy level. Toprevent this from happening Luther must use his trusty slingshot and unlimitedsupply of ammo to pop the bubbles before they reach the surface. Luther alsoneeds to be careful when navigating the whirlpool since running into a bubblemay render him momentarily trapped and unable to fire his slingshot.Luther will also have the opportunity to qualify for a Bonus Round every fivelevels starting at level 10. In the Bonus Round Luther will be positioned nearthe bottom of a canyon with a . Oysters which are positioned on either sideof the canyon spit out pearls which will bounce down into the canyon. On theway the pearls may bounce off of jellyfish making their path hard to predict.For every pearl which Luther is able to catch in his he'll receive 100points. Black Pearls will also be dropped occasionally and if Luther is able tocatch one of these he'll increase his energy level by one. Product HighlightsJunior Arcade games are jam-packed with fast and furious gameplay that satisfieskids' hunger
Freddi Fish and his pal Luther collect worm doodles and save the sea creatures before the ocean drains.
Product Dimensions 6.5 x 1.5 x 10.2 inches; 6.1 ounces
Media: Video Game

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries - PC

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries - PC
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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries - PC