平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 2TB External Hard Drive (9000298)
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國直購] LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 2TB External Hard Drive (9000298)
[106美國直購] LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 2TB External Hard Drive (9000298)
[106美國直購] LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 2TB External Hard Drive (9000298)

Shock, drops up to 4 feet, dust and water resistant for all-terrain use
For Mac compatibility this Hard Drive requires reformatting. Refer to Application Guide for more details.
Password protection built in
Uses USB 3.0 which is up to 4 times faster than USB 2.0 (USB 2.0 compatible)
Product Features
Size: 2TB | Style: USB 3.0
Hardware Platform: mac
Operating System: Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Vista Business Windows Vista Enterprise Windows Vista Home Basic Windows Vista Home Premium Windows Vista Ultimate Windows XP Home Edition Windows XP Professional Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
USB Powered
Size: 2 TB
Manufacturer: Mini
Size (LWH): 5.3 inches, 3.4 inches, 0.75 inches
Weight: 8 ounces
Product description
Size:2TB | Style:USB 3.0
Introducing the Smallest Member of the Rugged Family - with its iconic orange design and secure form factor, the Rugged has been one of our most popular hard drives. With the Rugged Mini, we've shrunk the Rugged, and added tons of new features, making it a solid investment for on-the-go data transport. The LaCie Rugged Mini Hard Disk shares features with our popular Rugged Hard Disk, like shock resistance, drop resistance, and a rubber sleeve for added protection. But with the Rugged Mini, we've gone a step further: it's also rain-resistant, and pressure-resistant-you can drive over it with a 1-ton car, and it still works! Its small size makes it perfect to take with you wherever you go, and its Rugged exterior provides protection against accidental drops, shock, or pressure.
Product information
Size:2TB | Style:USB 3.0
Product Dimensions:5.3 x 3.4 x 0.8 inches
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Shipping Weight:12 ounces
Origin:Imported (China)
Item model number:LAC9000298

[106美國直購] LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 2TB External Hard Drive (9000298)

相關 [106美國直購] LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 2TB External Hard Drive (9000298)
我是使用sony z的智慧型手機,因為怕不小心刮傷螢幕所以加買了ㄧ個粉紅色的手機套,結果畫面都會呈現粉紅色,如果把手機套拿下來,這樣的畫拍照的畫面又會變正常?那麼只能買白色的手機套嗎?
那 99% 你選的該款手機套是透光的 , 因為當鏡頭周邊的光透過那粉色入感光元件後就會被影響 購買手機套的時候盡量不要找那種鏡頭附近包很緊的 就算你找白色的也只是會讓你拍出來更白... 手機原理大概是 : (當手機內有SD卡時) = 手機內存APP Rom + 資料 Rom 另+SD 卡空間 , APP下載出現的那個不足跟 SD 卡沒有關係, 是那個 " app Rom " 可以存 app的空間不夠囉 ! 因為電信業者的專案折扣是 攜碼(np)>新辦>>>續約, 下面是假np法 1. 先找一間非原預定的電信業者新辦「月租型不綁合約的門號」 2. 辦好之後告知門市人員您要攜碼了 3. 門市人員會跟您收 240 元門號移轉費 4. 持該240元收據就可以攜碼了 ※請注意別辦預付卡 / 240元門號移轉費電信業者會還給你 請在撥號介面下輸入即可進入 SONY *#*#7378423#*#* HTC *#*#3424#*#* Samsung *#0*# APPLE *3001#12345#* LG 3845#*988# Nokia ##634# Asus *#*#4636#*#* 圖片參考:http://imgur.com/Yuzw2Mr.jpg
裸機才美啦我覺得哈哈 用座充也比較方便 只是要格外小心!!!!! 建議包膜或是2片都要貼保護貼
[106美國直購] LaCie Rugged Mini USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 2TB External Hard Drive (9000298)