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[美國直購] Griffin BreakSafe Magnetic USB-C Breakaway Power Cable for MacBooks and Chromebook Pixel
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Product Information
Product Dimensions 0.2 x 2 x 6.7 inches
Item Weight 2.1 ounces
Shipping Weight 4.8 ounces
Compatible with Apple's MacBook (12') and other devices that charge via USB-C
BreakSafe is rated up to 60 watts (20 volts at 3 amps) power
Designed and tested to meet USB-C power standards
Data and video are not supported
In the box: USB-C magnetic connector, USB-C cable
Product Description
Magnetic break away power cable for USB-C laptops
Apple’s MagSafe connector has saved literally millions of laptops from destructions caused by tripping over one’s power cord. But with the introduction of USB-C on new MacBooks, this safety feature is absent.
BreakSafe brings the safety and convenience back to newer MacBooks and other laptops with USB-C type connectors.
The quick-release magnetic connector (patent-pending) plugs into your laptop’s USB-C port and safely disconnects from the rest of the cable when under stress or strain, like tripping over the power cord.
The streamlined magnetic connector is only 12.8 mm deep so you can leave it plugged into your laptop’s USB-C port when not in use.
Use BreakSafe’s included 6’ USB-C cable with the USB-C charger that came with your laptop.
Designed for use with the new USB-C compatible MacBook and Chromebook Pixel laptops, BreakSafe is compatible with USB Power Delivery and is rated up to 60 watts (20 volts @ 3 amps). Please note that BreakSafe is for charging power only; data and video are not supported.
Designed and tested to meet USB-C power standards

[美國直購] Griffin BreakSafe Magnetic USB-C Breakaway Power Cable for MacBooks and Chromebook Pixel

相關 [美國直購] Griffin BreakSafe Magnetic USB-C Breakaway Power Cable for MacBooks and Chromebook Pixel
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[美國直購] Griffin BreakSafe Magnetic USB-C Breakaway Power Cable for MacBooks and Chromebook Pixel