平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [103 美國直購 USAShop] Intel 台式機主板 Desktop Board DP67BG Extreme Series - Brand New_mr $4428
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [103 美國直購 USAShop] Intel 台式機主板 Desktop Board DP67BG Extreme Series - Brand New_mr $4428
[103 美國直購 USAShop] Intel 台式機主板 Desktop Board DP67BG Extreme Series - Brand New_mr $4428
[103 美國直購 USAShop] Intel 台式機主板 Desktop Board DP67BG Extreme Series - Brand New_mr $4428
20140516cc_Intel DP67BG

Designed for the latest and greatest generation of multi-threaded games and media application, the Intel? Desktop Board DP67BG delivers incredible performance with the latest technologies possible.
Enjoy a great over-clocking experience while all the while keeping your system running smooth with Maximum ePower. This board also gives you an unbelievable graphics experience with support for both ATI Crossfire* and NVIDIA SLI* technologies as well as the latest in connectivity with SuperSpeed USB 3.0 and SATA 6.0 Gb/s.
Features and configurations
Form factor????? ATX
AA# (Altered Assembly)? G10491-XXX
Processor???????? At product launch, this desktop board supports:
Intel? Core? i7 processor series in an LGA1155 socket
Intel? Core? i5 processor series in an LGA1155 socket
View all compatible Intel? processor numbers
Four 240-pin DDR3 SDRAM Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) sockets
Support for up to 32 GB of system memory
Support for DDR3 1600/1333/1066 MHz DIMMs
Intel? P67 Express Chipset
Intel? Rapid Storage Technology for RAID 0, 1, 5 and 10
Intel? High Definition Audio subsystem in the following configuration:
10-channel (7.1+ 2 independent multi-streaming) audio subsystem with six analog audio outputs w/optical S/PDIF out port
LAN support???? Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mb/s) LAN subsystem using the Intel? 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Peripheral interfaces??????
Two SuperSpeed USB 3.0 ports
Fourteen USB 2.0 ports
Two Serial ATA 6.0 Gb/s ports
Four Serial ATA 3.0 Gb/s ports, one eSATA* ext. port
One IEEE 1394a header
Expansion capabilities????
One PCI Express* 2.0 x 16 bus add-in card connector or switchable to 2x8 PCIe 2.0 connectors
Three PCI Express 2.0 x 1 connectors
Two PCI Conventional bus connectors

[103 美國直購 USAShop] Intel 台式機主板 Desktop Board DP67BG Extreme Series - Brand New_mr $4428

相關 [103 美國直購 USAShop] Intel 台式機主板 Desktop Board DP67BG Extreme Series - Brand New_mr $4428
325克加2磅=( ) 8公尺20公分乘以四分之三=( )公尺( )公分 8公噸78公斤除以7=( )公噸( )公斤 1磅=454克,10公斤442克=( )磅 23呎3吋除以2呎7吋=( ) 19公噸500公斤除以0.75公噸=( ) 160磅=幾公斤? 37.5克、0.0375公斤、187.5,那個最輕? 3.72台斤=幾公斤? 我才小五,這些有點難 希望各位大大可以幫我 今天就要完成 更新: 第八題 187.5克拉
(1) 325克加2磅=325(g)+2(Lb)*454(g/Lb)=325+908(g)=(1233)g (2) 8公尺20公分乘以四分之三=8*3/4+20*3/4=2*3+5*3=(6)公尺(15)公分 (3) 8公噸78公斤除以7=(8000+78)/7=8078/7=1154(kg)=(1)公噸(154)公斤 2014-04-30 19:47:05 補充: (4) 1磅=454克 => 1(kg)=2.2(Lb) 10公斤442克 =10.442(kg)*2.2(Lb/kg) =(22.9724)磅 2014-04-30 19:49:14 補充: (5) 23呎3吋除以2呎7吋 =(23*12+3)/(2*12+7).....1'=12" =279"/31" =(9) 2014-04-30 19:50:55 補充: (6) 19公噸500公斤除以0.75公噸 =19.5/0.75 =1950/75 =78/3 =(26) 2014-04-30 19:52:28 補充: (7) 160磅 =160(Lb)*0.454(kg/Lb) =72.64公斤 2014-04-30 19:56:00 補充: (8) 37.5克、0.0375公斤、187.5,那個最輕? =37.5(g); 37.5(g); 187.5(沒有單位) =沒有單位.無法比較大小 (9) 3.72台斤 =3.75/0.6......1台斤=0.6(kg) =6.25公斤 2014-04-30 19:58:29 補充: (9)修正: 3.72台斤*0.6(kg/台斤) =2.25(kg) 2014-05-01 07:04:09 補充: (8) 37.5克、0.0375公斤、187.5克拉,那個最輕? =37.5(g); 37.5(g); 187.5克拉*0.2(g/克拉) =37.5(g); 37.5(g); 37.5(g) =三者相等
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[103 美國直購 USAShop] Intel 台式機主板 Desktop Board DP67BG Extreme Series - Brand New_mr $4428