
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] HARMONIC VISION Music Ace 2 ( Windows / Macintosh )


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] HARMONIC VISION Music Ace 2 ( Windows / Macintosh )


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] HARMONIC VISION Music Ace 2 ( Windows / Macintosh )


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] HARMONIC VISION Music Ace 2 ( Windows / Macintosh )



Music Ace 2, the second title in the highly-acclaimed Music Ace series from Harmonic Vision, is designed for beginning and intermediate students

Featuring 2,000 musical examples and covering treble, alto and bass clefs, Music Ace 2 picks up where Music Ace leaves off to introduce standard notation, rhythm, melody, harmony, intervals and much more

Maestro Max and his choir of Singing Notes return for an encore performance with a variety of new instruments to provide students with a continuing introduction to music fundamentals and theory

Music Ace 2 continues the same fun and engaging format of 24 comprehensive lessons, challenging games and a creative composition tool

Lessons - 24 engaging, self-paced lessons that accelerate development of fundamental music skills and music theory

Product Description

Puts the fun into learning the fundamentals of music!

From the Manufacturer

Music Ace 2, the second title in the highly-acclaimed Music Ace series from Harmonic Vision, is designed for beginning and intermediate students. Featuring 2,000 musical examples and covering treble, alto, and bass clefs, Music Ace 2 picks up where Music Ace leaves off to introduce standard notation, rhythm, melody, harmony, intervals, and much more.

Maestro Max and his choir of Singing Notes return for an encore performance with a variety of new instruments to provide students with a continuing introduction to music fundamentals and theory. Music Ace 2 continues the same fun and engaging format of 24 comprehensive lessons, challenging games and a creative composition tool.

Product Dimensions: 10 x 9 x 2 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces

ASIN: B00004WLB7

Item model number: MA2-H

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] HARMONIC VISION Music Ace 2 ( Windows / Macintosh )

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] HARMONIC VISION Music Ace 2 ( Windows / Macintosh )



2017-11-13 12:01

〔記者楊淳卉/台北報導〕總統府國家年金改革委員會明(14日)將拍板軍人年金改革方案,反年金改革團體「八百壯士」今發起抗議,批年改會副召集人、政委林萬億毀約背信,包括立院國民黨團總召林德福等立委、國民黨地方黨部都動員到場聲援。警方派出上百警力及霹靂小組戒備,抗議民眾則一度與警方發生推擠。「八百壯士」多由抗議軍人年改的退役軍人組成,今年2月起於立院大門前搭棚「埋鍋造飯」長期抗爭,至今已266天。抗議團體今再度集結,自立院遊行至行政院前抗議。八百壯士指揮官吳其樑率指出,林萬億曾於5月11日邀請他們在行政院會談,公開承諾「軍人年改版本送行政院前國防部必須與退伍軍人團體溝通,並優先邀集年改委員協調」,但林萬億未實現承諾,先與退伍軍人團體、代表溝通,背信毀諾就先公布方案,有損軍人權益。上午約11點時,警方開放忠孝東路車道,讓部分車輛可以通行,引發抗議群眾不滿,認為警方不能干擾他們集會遊行權利,並與警方發生推擠衝突。最後警方同意再封路,才平息風波? [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] HARMONIC VISION Music Ace 2 ( Windows / Macintosh )


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