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就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Toy Story Animated Storybook - PC/Mac
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Toy Story Animated Storybook - PC/Mac
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Toy Story Animated Storybook - PC/Mac
Disney's Animated StoryBook: Toy Story is a CD-ROM adventure where you bring the story to life. With the click of a mouse, you'll enter a wacky 3-D world where toys come alive. As you read along, it's up to you to help Woody and Buzz escape bad-boy Sid, catch the moving van, and become best buddies. Every page is packed with fun surprises, plus music and 3-D graphics just like the movie. In fact, there's plenty of new animation for a nonstop reading adventure worth getting all wound up about!
As you read along, it is up to you to help Woody and Buzz escape bad boy Sid, catch the moving van, and become best buddies. Every page is packed with fun surprises, plus music and 3-D graphics, just like the movie. In fact, there is plenty of new animation for a nonstop reading adventure worth getting all wound up about.
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* Incredible 3-D animation, just like in the movie.
* Read-along feature builds reading and vocabulary skills.
* Fifteen story screens with hundreds of clickables provide hours of exploration and loads of laughs.
* Five exciting activities, including three with multiple levels, help build critical thinking skills.
Product Dimensions 5.6 x 4.9 x 0.4 inches; 2.4 ounces
Media: Video Game
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Toy Story Animated Storybook - PC/Mac
相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Toy Story Animated Storybook - PC/Mac
北巿社會局與台鐵局協商,提供行李袋給街友,將行李統一放置北車南門牆面。 聯合報系資料照/記者杜建重攝影 分享 facebook 台北車站日前公告日間禁止堆放行李,13日統一移到垃圾場旁,民間團體盼提供街友行李置放空間。北巿社會局今天說,與台鐵局協商後,13日提供行李袋給街友並統一放置北車一處。台北巿政府社會局發布新聞稿指出,這起事件期許能複製艋舺公園街友放置行李的跨團隊合作成功模式,於昨天與交通部台灣鐵路管理局協商,盼爭取街友合理行李量置放空間與市容兼顧。社會局指出,為維護街友友善夜宿環境,同時兼顧大眾生活品質為目標,透過持續輔導街友行李合理減量,經協商後,台北車站表示,13日仍會執行北車周圍日間禁止堆放物品的規定,但若街友將行李減量,裝置於社會局提供的行李袋後,且統一放置北車南門牆面,即不予清運,以達成維護台鐵局管理權責和街友基本生存空間的平衡。社會局昨天晚間由社工人員到車站周邊,針對無袋可裝物品者統一提供行李袋,協助街友行李減量,後續將與民間團體一起研議街友的行李放置地點,並持續協助台北車站街友的醫療、就業、居住等需要,共創市民友善生活空間,同時兼顧市容。 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Toy Story Animated Storybook - PC/Mac