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[105美國直購] 無線系統 eero Home WiFi System (Individual) - Blanket Your Home in WiFi B00Y01VRSO


[105美國直購] 無線系統 eero Home WiFi System (Individual) - Blanket Your Home in WiFi B00Y01VRSO



eero Home WiFi System (Individual) - Blanket Your Home in WiFi with Complete Wireless Router & Range Extender Replacement System, Gigabit Speed, WPA2 Encryption

About the Product

eero is the Home WiFi System that replaces your wireless router and WiFi range extender. No more dead zones.

An individual eero is great if you have a space that's less than 1,000 sq. ft., or as an add-on to an existing eero system.

Gigabit WiFi speed capability, and advanced settings let you configure DHCP, NAT, DNS, UPnP, Port Forwarding, and more.

Blanket your whole home in WiFi with a mesh wireless network with WPA2 encryption.

Required for setup: Internet service, modem, supported Apple iOS device or Android smartphone with data connection.

Blanket your home in fast, reliable WiFi.

eero is the world’s first home WiFi system. A set of three eeros covers the typical home. They work in perfect unison to deliver hyper-fast, super-stable WiFi to every square foot. It’s simple to set up. Easy to manage. And gets better over time with new features and improved performance. Stream video, get work done, or swipe right in any room — not just next to your router. Finally. WiFi that actually works.

Simple to setup

Plug one eero into your modem and the app will help you place the others throughout your home. You can name your network anything you want. Anything.

Easy to manage

Manage your entire WiFi network from a simple, intuitive app. See which devices are connected and the speeds you’re clocking.

Stays new, gets better

Automatic software updates that bring new features happen overnight and only take a minute. That means your eero system gets better with time.

The one router model isn't working

Relying on a single router is like asking a loud speaker in your living room to provide great sound throughout your home. It’s simple physics: WiFi waves don’t go through walls well and have an even harder time climbing stairs?. Ever tried to stream a show from your bedroom when your router’s in the office downstairs? It’s a buffering nightmare.

To solve this, you need multiple access points — devices that broadcast WiFi — distributed throughout your home. That’s what you’ll find in office buildings, both big and small. But these solutions are out of reach for most of us, and all we’re left with is a band-aid solution: range “extenders,” which don’t live up to their name

It takes a system

With eero, you simply plug one device into your modem. Additional eeros only need power from a standard outlet. They automatically connect to each other to create a single wireless mesh network that covers your whole home. If you already have Ethernet wiring, you can always choose to hardwire your additional eeros.

Three eeros cover the typical home. You can start with one and eero-up depending on the size of your space. You already pay for high-speed Internet — isn’t it time to get what you’ve paid for in every corner of your home?

If you have a small home (about 1,000 sq. ft. or less) you can start with one eero. If you move or your needs change, you can eero up to make sure you’re always covered.

Everything you need to know

In the box: eero WiFi System (individual), power adapter, Ethernet cable, quick start guide

Processor, memory, and storage: 1.0GHz dual-core processor, 512MB RAM, 4GB flash storage

Security and networking services: WPA2 personal wireless encryption, DHCP, NAT, VPN passthrough, UPnP

Wireless connectivity: Dual-band WiFi radios, simultaneous 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless, 2x2 MIMO, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth Smart

Wired connectivity: Dual auto-sensing Gigabit ports for WAN (cable or DSL modem) and/or LAN (networked device) connectivity, USB 2.0 port

Electrical and environmental requirements: 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz

About the Startup

Where did the idea come from?

Years, almost decades of WiFi frustration – and the resulting WiFi setup that Nick installed in his parents’ home in suburban Chicago. Tired of being the Weaver family personal IT troubleshooter, Nick jury-rigged a system that was easy for him to reset remotely from California. Or, anyone could simply hit a big red button to reboot the entire network. This solution was completely absurd and planted the seed for what would become eero.

Why Wifi?

Because WiFi is the new electricity. Our homes are slowly but surely coming online: speakers, thermostats, light bulbs, front doors, cameras, washers, dryers, and everything in between. Outside of our smartphones, WiFi is the modern technology we depend on the most. The foundation of the digital home. Without it, almost nothing works. But it’s broken: the products are impossible to set up, the equipment couldn’t be more of an eyesore, and our homes remain riddled with dead zones. We started eero to fix it.

How is eero different from a traditional router?

eero was designed from the ground up to work as a distributed system – so that you always have a strong WiFi signal wherever you are in your home. And it’s much simpler. Until now, setting up multiple access points in your home and getting them to all broadcast the same WiFi network has been close to impossible. With eero, you just unbox your units and a few minutes later your whole home’s covered. If you move or your needs change, add another eero in under a minute.

Why is design so important to eero?

For something so essential to your home, WiFi equipment sure isn’t built with beauty in mind. Most of us hide our routers in a closet or under the bed, inhibiting signal. If we’re going to ask you to place WiFi hardware throughout your home then it had better be understated and tasteful. Something you can put on top of beautiful coffee table books on a shelf and have it blend right in. Something that your friends will ask about when they’re over.

What's the company's backstory?

Based in San Francisco, we’re a growing, passionate team of more than 70 that wants to change an old, broken industry. We’re pushing the boundaries or technology and design, blazing the trail for the future of home WiFi. Everything we love doing – streaming music and videos, scrolling through Instagram, FaceTiming with family – is powered by WiFi. It connects, simplifies, and elevates our lives at home. We’re going to add features to WiFi that you’ve never seen before and that you’re going to love. We promise.

Product Details

Style: Individual

Product Dimensions 5.5 x 3.5 x 5.5 inches; 1.5 pounds

Shipping Weight 1.6 pounds


UPC 852582006013

Release Date February 23, 2016

Item model number A010101

[105美國直購] 無線系統 eero Home WiFi System (Individual) - Blanket Your Home in WiFi B00Y01VRSO

相關 [105美國直購] 無線系統 eero Home WiFi System (Individual) - Blanket Your Home in WiFi B00Y01VRSO





有些人好厲害~ 一看樂譜就可以知道這一小節的和絃是什麼~! 是怎麼分辨的呢? 怎麼知道一小節的伴奏和絃是什麼? 我會分辨一小節的單音如果只由 1 3 5 這三個音所組成的話, 那伴奏的和絃就會是 C 和絃, 那其他比較複雜的和絃要怎麼配呢? 例如︰ 4 1 7 6 ∥ 6 7 6 ∥ 6 7 6 7 6 5 4 ∥ 《↑亂編的,不好意思...》 第一、第二、第三小節的和絃各會是什麼?


旋律對於和聲只有兩種可能: 協和音(和絃內音), 裝飾音(又稱不協和音,和聲外音) 1.確立調性, 調中心, 大小調, 是否轉調, 調式 2.決定哪些是重要音 3.決定哪些是裝飾音 依你的題目來看 直接哼它是個 F 的 Lydian 調式 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) 所以三小節都用 FM (大三和絃 = 4,6,1) 就行了 這會完全諧和 分三小節設計也行 || 4176 || 可聽出 7 是經過音, 因為三和絃 461 很清楚 , 故有 461 的和絃都行 但有 467 的也都行 || 676 || 只有兩個音, 但 6 比較重要, 故只要有 6 的和絃都行 || 6 7 6 7 6 5 4 || 67 是 tremolo 上下鄰音 , 5 是經過音 真正的線條是 6 - 5 - 4 所以 6,4 是比較重要的 又這是音比較多的地方, 音域較高, 張力較強 故可以用兩個和絃先後彈出 前半 || 6767 || 只要有 6 或 7 的和絃都行 後半 || 654 || 只要找有 64 的和絃都行 和聲編曲是絕對自由的 你可以把它配任意音 比如: F7#11 || EbM7#11 || G7#5|| 左手由低往高: F7#11= 4, 6, 7, 3 EbM7#11/A = 6, 2, b3, 5 DbM7#11 = b2, 4, 5, 1 這樣就很 jazz 了 ~~ 彈 1小節加上 r & b 的鼓 用電腦 copy 成 5 分鐘唱一點 rap 燒成 cd 就可以拿去賣了^^


我也找配和弦的技巧好久了。。回答真的很簡單。。|||||通常一般的c大調的和絃有135 146 7(低)25 7(低)45 你只要看每小節的第一個音跟和絃哪個音一樣 就是那個音 但如果一個小節很多音 可能就要分 成很多和絃 其他調的就以此類推 其他調的和弦就跟c大調依樣 只是項D大調就往上移一音 其實這用打的很難表示 你最好去找找看有關配伴奏的書或是問老師 我個人是不太喜歡用和絃來配 因為都是那幾個音 會聽膩 所以 看你摟 祝你 可以向那些人一樣厲害

[105美國直購] 無線系統 eero Home WiFi System (Individual) - Blanket Your Home in WiFi B00Y01VRSO


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